Future Ecology Designed

Sustainable design theory manifested in products, infrastructure, and graphic representation. A utopian glimpse of a future New Zealand where environmental considerations are of tantamount importance, and society is designed to accommodate the native ecosystem.

Elements of Interaction – Part 2

In this post I am going to attempt to outline and summarise my current thoughts and intentions.
This is going to be somewhat a work in progress open to changes and edits as I progress my way through it.

As it might have come to light over the my (sparse) contribution-history, I seem to be revolving around the following key ideas:

Interactions – Interfaces between Inhabitants < > Inhabitants & Environments < > Inhabitants
Systems & their relationship to each other.
User driven environments (in contrast to environment driven users)

I plan to use your previous post on Elements of interactions as a base to build on.

Energy & Structure

Energy Input
Energy output
+ Current states & Projected performance


Physical interactions/material logistics
+ Organic, flexible networking


Sustenance and health
+ Recycling & rejuvenation
+ Dynamic element – diversity pool

The following paragraph is an attempt to introduce some of my back theory. It is really more of a personal endeavor to try and clarify some thoughts. So read at your own risk.

Phase[ ]space
The phase space in a scientific/mathematical sense, is used as a theoretical 'space' where all states & variables of a system are represented and defined. Basically it maps the various states of a system onto a 'space' with multiple dimensions, which can include time for example. (It does get rather complex but this is my understanding of it.)

I am looking at applying this notion of phase[ ]space to social (dynamic) system, using it more as a metaphorical representation. The phase[ ]space would including the physical sub>urb/city/environment and its inhabitants, and the virtual, interactive spaces and networks between them.
I do not see the phase[ ]space as one finite, all enclosing system. It is very much fractal, with a phase[ ]space containing further phase[ ]spaces, and vica versa.
An example of how this works, a house can be considered a phase[ ]space with all its variables and elements. This is contained in the phase[ ]space of a community, which in further is enclosed in the phase[ ]space of a city.

So we basically have a simple concept of a 'cell' system forming a larger body. Whats the point of a phase[ ]space?

The phase[ ]space provides a construct in which the different variables of the space and their states can be mapped and understood, much like its scientific application. This should give an understanding of the elements involved and influencing the space.
Out of this can be interpreted the 'state' of the space and its level of complexity. i.e. Its phase. It is important that complexity here is not understood as how complicated, big or chaotic it is, but rather as its level of organisation. > Link – Complexity theory , Negentropy.

The key to a phase[ ]space is the interaction between the elements contained. Once the space is 'self aware' and know its own state it can begin to take itself to a new, higher level or organisation, or phase.
Hence a phase[ ]space that has the ability to know its current state and influence it, has the potential to self organise itself to a new, more complex phase. These phase}{transitions can occur independently at all levels of the fractal system, once at the level of the house/home, or the community/city as a whole.

The interactions of phase[ ]space and it Negentopic(?) transitions to higher levels of organisation.

  • Feedback loops as a an integral part to user participation.
  • Inhabitants and their relationship to the environment – The role of interfaces
  • Setting up a systems to allow potential self organisation.

“ The city can be seen as the place designed to offer the widest facilities for significant conversation...one key to urban development should be plain: it lies in the widening of the circle of those participating in it, till in the end all men will take part in the conversation.”
- Lewis Mumford, 'The City in History'

“Most of (current) solutions tend to isolate the means from the mission. This 'mission' calls for a commitment by societies everywhere to unite in a common cause and connect to the natural environment on a more profound philosophical, psychological and cultural level. Otherwise, the basic incentives for survival may be defeated by a diversionary proliferation of remedial mechanisms that do not address the deeper social conflicts caused by a collective state of denial.”
- James Wines, 'Green Architecture'

“All the sacrifices that have helped bring the city into existence come to nothing if the life the city makes possible is not its own reward....a glimpse of beauty, a flash of joy, a quickening and sharing fellowship.”
- Aristotle.

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