Future Ecology Designed

Sustainable design theory manifested in products, infrastructure, and graphic representation. A utopian glimpse of a future New Zealand where environmental considerations are of tantamount importance, and society is designed to accommodate the native ecosystem.

Biodiversity, basic interface


I am presently fairly uncertain as to the particular details of this interaction- a lot would rely on the physical layout of the structure. I envisage that within the Sup>urb, each apartment will have its own small greenhouse area. As this will receive sunlight and water directly from the environment, as well as irrigation from the water supply if necessary, it should be mainly self-sustaining. Each apartment could possibly have a small tank to retrieve rainwater too, decentralising water in a similar manner to the decentralisation of electricity. The plants within the greenhouses would be food crops, not necessarily native.

Each apartment would have a composting system, to return nutrients back into the greenhouse growing areas. Any excess biomass could be sent to a section where it would be converted into energy again, to be used by the Sup>urb to complement the de-centralised generators.

For the shared public spaces within the Sup>urb, light native forest would be planted. This would further manage the water resource, acting as a filter while sustaining the flora. Sculptural water installations could be combined with the forest, embodying the theories of re-energised water as postulated by Steiner, for example. There would be a catchment area at the end of the process where water would be pumped back to apartments. Grey water would be recycled where possible, otherwise pumped into a separate lake where it could evaporate and rejoin the cycle. As the soil beneath the forested area matures, larger trees could be inserted, and native birds brought in to restore an ecosystem.

Therefore, there are two major cycles within the Sup>urb biodiversity system- Nutrients and Water.

I would be really interested to hear your thoughts on this, Nilut. I remember you had relatives who were devotees of the flowform principals, and of course there is a lot of Agrobiology here too. I need to really research some of the principals here further.


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